On Monday 28 July 2003 12:24 pm, Dan wrote:
> Hi Iain,
> > The basic call transfer functions, set with the T and t options to the
> dial
> > application and triggered by pressing a # work fine for me.
> I have T and t options in dial application, but how can '#' be used for
> transfer.
> Escuse my ignorance...
> > Make sure that
> > you have set the DialPlan on the ATA 186 so as not to grab the # (ie look
> > for any ># character pairs and change the second character or remove it).
> Where to do that? In the extensions.conf file?
> Now I have used Flash key to put the other part on hold and then dial to the
> new extension and after this one answer, I close the phone.
> It works in that way only if the last party is anything else, but not
> another ATA186.

Does it really work this way for you? I thought asterisk cannot bridge together
2 channels if originating party hangs up. I mean if I press flash button to put
one party on hold, then dial another extension and then hang up the two other
extensions do not get connected but both calls get dropped. Only "blind transfer"
with # key works for me.
If it really works for you, would you mind to show your configuration?

> Thanks for your support,
> Dan

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