
On Sun, 2003-08-10 at 12:08, Iain Stevenson wrote:
> The chipset used in the X100P - at least the one I have - is designed for 
> the US/Japan market only.  The reference design in the datasheet for the 
> chipset does not include facilities for the detection of line voltage 
> reversal.  Hence the only way to detect caller ID sent before ringing would 
> be to constantly scan for it - wasteful in processor resources.

Wow. While this is absolutely not what I wanted to hear, I'm really
happy that I've finally got an answer to this question. Thank you.

I don't know how and where you found that information, but I'd like to
know about the TDMx0B family too: are they capable of creating line
voltage reversal. Could you just perhaps find out for us, or provide me
with pointer how to figure it out myself?

> There is another chipset in the same family that supports full 
> international operation.  The datasheet for this describes a procedure for 
> detecting line voltage reversals and capturing caller ID.  I guess we need 
> Digium to look into an international version of the X100P based on this 
> chipset.

I just hope that the price difference is small enough for Digium to
consider this other chipset. From the lists it is obvious that there is
a lot of interest for their hardware outside the US/Japan market. Same
goes for the rumoured 4port fxo cards, of course.


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