On Mon, 2003-08-11 at 10:19, Jim Friedeck wrote:
> Our CSR people need to be informed when a call is ringing in when they 
> are on the phone. Is there a mechanism for informing an off-hook target 
> channel of an incoming call? We have a guy who should get first shot at 
> all incoming calls on our local lines and our customer service line. If 
> he is on the phone, he should get beeped and then be able to place the 
> current call on hold to answer the other calls, possibly 'parking' them 
> for other people, transferring them, or answering their questions 
> quickly. If these calls are not answered in a small amount of time they 
> should go to the next CSR in line. Is this scenario possible? I'm not 
> currently a 'phone guy' so I apologize for any incorrect terminology.

I assume you're using BudgeTones.  I think the problem is on the
BudgeTone end, although it might be possible to fix it from the Asterisk
side.  If I get a chance, I might look into writing a patch for
chan_sip.c that limits the number of channels per phone, or something
like that.


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