Correct me if i'm wrong but doesn't the cdr modules log the call duration?


On Wed, 13 Aug 2003, Alastair Maw wrote:

> Hi.
> I'm trying to do some custom call logging, and I want to call an AGI
> script from a hangup handler to log call durations and things. Although
> the script executes, it isn't retrieving variables from the AGI
> interface. Looking closer, I realised the variables are actually getting
> unset before the h extension is reached.
> [foo]
> s,1,SetVar,foo=bar
> s,2,Play(audio/a-long-prompt)
> h,1,AGI(
> When I do an $agi->get_variable("foo") from the perl, I get the string
> "noresponse" returned.
> This all works fine if I don't call the AGI from the hangup extension,
> but from a normal one instead.
> Does anyone have any idea how I might fix or work around this? It's
> important for us to log call durations (and other things), which
> obviously needs to be done when the users hangs up. Storing stuff using
> the cdr isn't really an option.
> --
> Alastair Maw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> MX Telecom - Systems Analyst
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