On Monday 18 August 2003 02:55 am, Scott Stingel wrote:
> Yes, I have installed mysql and mysql-devel, and the mysql server
> is running on the system.
> My question is how to produce the cdr_mysql.so loadable file. I
> have followed the setup instructions in cdr_mysql.conf etc, and
> have rebuilt asterisk, but I'm not sure how to tell asterisk to
> compile to produce cdr_mysql.so.  Asterisk does not find this
> module when I specify it in the modules.conf.  I believe that it
> has to appear in the directory /usr/lib/asterisk/modules.

root:/usr/src/asterisk# grep cdr_mysql cdr/Makefile
MODS+=$(shell if [ -d /usr/local/mysql/include ] || [ -d 
/usr/include/mysql ] || [ -d /usr/local/include/mysql ] || [ -d 
/opt/mysql/include ]; then echo "cdr_mysql.so"; fi)
cdr_mysql.so: cdr_mysql.o

BTW, please learn to put your response AFTER the quote.


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