On Mon, 2003-08-18 at 04:13, Dan wrote:

> P.S. I think that for the moment, the cheaper option is to use ATA with some
> good and cheap DECT phones (in Europe) without any other feature than Caller
> ID (name and number). It can cost you less than 120EURO per port (about 75
> EURO for 1/2 ATA and another 50 for the cordless phone).

The ATA has two codecs that work with Asterisk.  The G711 codec works,
but each call tkes 64K of bandwidth + IP overhead.  For most people this
is only useful if the ATA and your Asterisk server is on the same LAN. 
The G729 codec also works with Asterisk, but the ATA only supports ONE
G729 call at a time.  The G729 codec for Asterisk costs $10. 

> -- 
> BTEL Consulting
> 850-484-4535 x2111 (Office)
> 504-595-3916 x2111 (Experimental)
> 877-552-0838 (Backup Phone)

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