Hi John,

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Todd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2003 10:07 AM
Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] Call transfer ATA186

> If it's any solace to you, there is no way I know of that one can do
> supervised call transfer (what you describe above) on an ATA-186.
> The "#" key trick (appending a "t" on your Dial statements) allows
> you to transfer, but it's an unsupervised transfer.  That trickery is
> done 100% in Asterisk, so you may be able to hack the source code to
> get it working with some different technique.

It works for me now using Flash key. When updated to the latest CVS and
setting the call parameters in ATA config the unattended transfer works on
ATA too now.

> The workaround is:
>   - call party #1, establish call
>   - hit flash, dial new number, hit # (the # is locally interpreted by
> the ATA as "finished dialing" character)
>   - talk to the third party; tell them a call is about to come in.
>   - have the third party hang up
>   - hit flash again, bringing you back to party #1
>   - hit "#" and type in the number of third party, type "#" (this
> time, interpreted by Asterisk as "finished dialing" character)
>   - hang up
> Sucks, doesn't it?

For me the workaround was to define a dial loop in extensions.conf when a
phone is busy (call waiting must be activated).
Then do like that.
- answer the call on ATA
- pres Flash key
- call the final destination
- wait to answer and inform it about the call
- close the phone
- fastbusy on final destination
- close the final destination
- final destination is automatically called by Asterisk from the initial
- establish the call between them.

All you need is to keep dialing the final destination (in a loop) if busy,
till it rings.

It seems that with the latest CVS update and the correct parameters in ATA
config page this works without the need to do this trick.
Just do like that:
- answer the call on ATA
- pres Flash key
- call the final destination
- wait to answer and inform it about the call
- close the phone
- MOH is stopped and the call is automatically establish between them .
 Tested several times with different configurations:

and it works for me now.


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