On Tue, 2003-08-19 at 16:06, Jose Ildefonso Camargo Tolosa wrote:
> Hi!
> I think it is a great idea.
> The DS80C400 needs external memory, and/or flash.  It have the Ethernet 
> integrated, but it is really slow (it is 8051 architecture), and yes, I 
> know it can go up ti 75Mhz, but only gives 18MIPS max.  I would use 
> ATmega128 from atmel (16MIPS at only 16Mhz), take a look at: 
> http://www.ethernut.de (project using mega128 with Ethernet, includes 
> schematics).

hmmm, The ATmega128 is one of the CPUs used in the MegaSquirt project to
do fuel injection for cars. The other chip they used had to be
programmed in assembly, while the ATmega128 allowed them to change to C
and still be fast enough to control the fuel injectors on a car.
Steven Critchfield  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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