On Wed, 2003-08-27 at 18:03, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Thu, 28 Aug 2003, John Todd wrote:
> > So, I keep seeing references in the codebase to "video conference" 
> > uses for Asterisk.  However, I am unaware of what end devices are 
> > currently supported by Asterisk.
> > 
> > Searching through the archives for the term "video", I see a few 
> > other people have asked the same question, with no real reply. 
> > Nobody, it seems, has actually tested any video phones on Asterisk 
> > other than perhaps the folks at Digium.  If I am mistaken in this 
> > assertion, please reply to this note with a URL for the equipment or 
> > software you're using that is commercially available.
> > 
> > Messenger XP?  Anyone have instructions? (sorry, I don't have Windows 
> > at my location, so I can't test.)
> > 
> > The 8x8 DV325 phone?  There is no price or "buy this now" button on 
> > their site, which points me towards the trail of vaporware.
> > 
> > Others?
> John, I do remember getting gnophone up and running with a webcam using a
> standard kernel module ov511, but that was back in elden days and may not
> hold true anymore. It did also send the picture through to the farend
> gnophone. As far as hardware is concerned, I'd say anything that's
> supported by video4linux should be passable through. Ofcourse, this was
> with IAX and format_jpeg.so
> --
> wasim learns to bottom-post

And the gnophone is a good solution if it strictly a Linux only
environment. But it does absolutely nothing for a Windows environment,
which is the type of environment that most people are asking about the
video conference ability.

Personally, I don't want to talk to people, hence I am not really big on
video. Meetme rooms work for me, and I can be dressed accordinly (or
not) and pick my nose and things of that nature. But people love their
technology, and would rather look at someone on the screen at a whopping
3 frames per a second, as opposed to talking in the meetroom... Go

Kim C. Callis 

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