On Tue, Sep 02, 2003 at 03:28:11PM -0600, Gavin Hollinger wrote:
> > correctly from X-lite but nothing else happens - no audio is
> > heard. My understanding is that I should hear some sort of
> I am using x-lite with the asterisk demo no problem.  All I modified was
> sip.conf
> Is the asterisk server and your x-lite client on the same LAN segment?
> Is all iptables and firewall code turned off on the asterisk server?
> Gavin Hollinger
Here is the message I am getting from Asterisk:

*CLI>     -- Executing VoiceMail("SIP/2000-3296", "u1234") in new stack
  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/voicemail.conf': Found
    -- Playing 'vm/1234/unavail'
    -- Playing 'vm-intro'
    -- Playing 'beep'
    -- Recording to /var/spool/asterisk/vm/1234/INBOX/msg0001
WARNING[229391]: File app_voicemail.c, Line 673 (leave_voicemail): No audio available 
on SIP/2000-3296??
    -- User hung up

It shows it is playing the files, but nothing is heard on the Xlite SIP software side.

When Asterisk starts up, it complains about OSS and ALSA problems - 
sound capabilities on the console are irrelavent in this case aren't 

I've tried deactivating several different codecs in X-lite - it doesn't help.

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