The headset port on the back of the Cisco is of marginal use. There are "special" Plantronics headsets which work in those ports, but they're very expensive and not too nice, in my opinion.

Any phone with a "normal" handset can simply have a headset put in-line with it. The Cisco fits that bill, and I have been using my Hello Direct Pro amplifier and headset for several years on different phones including the Cisco 79xx series. They work well, and aren't "specific" to the Cisco and thus can be moved around.

The Cisco handset can be removed entirely, and the phone is smart enough to know what's going on with the buttons. These also work on the Grandstream, and pretty much any other standard phone ever made. Ignore Cisco's silly "headset" jack - it's just proprietary gimmick to sell headsets (yes, you do lose the little "headset" button as a function - so what?)

Expensive, but very much worth it. One of these is the first thing I've ordered at the last four companies I've worked with, for myself and anyone who works for/with me on the phone. I can't tell you how many help desks I've seen where the whole staff walks around with their heads slightly tilted due to muscle fatigue from holding a handset with their shoulder...


There are two options that I've used:

1) Build a headset adapter so you can use a cheap computer headset.
Instructions here:

2) Buy an adapter:

and the a compatible plantronics headset.

Both of these options plug into the back headset jack of the phone. The
easiest, but not cheapest option is #2. The sound quality was slightly
better with option #2, but this is probably cause I am not very talented
with a soldering iron.

- Justin

On Wed, 3 Sep 2003, DUSTIN WILDES wrote:

This is Off-Topic for Asterisk, but I wanted to get some feedback on headsets for Cisco 7940/7960 phones.
We have about 10-20 people who wants/needs a headset for their phone & was hoping to collect some real-world input.

> Thanks!!
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