On Fri, 2003-09-05 at 08:58, Marcel Prisi wrote:
> Steven Critchfield wrote:
> > On Fri, 2003-09-05 at 03:25, Marcel Prisi wrote:
> > 
> >>I must say that I would be EXTREMELY interested in distributing such 
> >>phones here in Switzerland ... We see a lot of demand here ... I am even 
> >>willing to beta-test if needed.
> >>
> >>For hardware/software infos, have a look at :
> >>
> >>http://www.tuxscreen.net/
> >>
> >>This is a completely open-source and open-hardware hardware phone based 
> >>on Linux on an ARM embedded platform ... they already had lots of 
> >>experience ... but might need some different software ...
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > bzzzt. wrong. There is a lot known about the hardware but it is not
> > open. The software is only open after it was reloaded with debian. Also
> > while the site you list was cheap, if you dig round, the manufacturing
> > cost was over $300 each and target retail was over %600. Granted that
> > was over 3 years ago, it wouldn't have dropped in price too
> > significantly. The site you list was liquidating the last known
> > inventory of those units. 
> > 
> So have a look there :
> http://www.lart.tudelft.nl/
> You will find there the hardware that evolved from what was in the 
> Tuxscreen. It's license is open. It runs a 220Mhz StrongARM with more 
> than 200 MIPS and has options for ethernet and sound i/o, all is 
> linux-compatible ...
> Maybe useful for prototyping ?

The kits would be over $300US and don't have a case or software loaded
on, nor a phone interface. Granted it is a decent starting point.
Steven Critchfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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