I have asked this question in the start, but then realized that this 
qustion does not generate any response at all. Going through the archive I 
find out that lot of people have claimed to have made web gui, but when I 
see them, I stick to vi.

It should be very easy to do, generate config files (or meta config files) 
from web gui. I think the webmin modules that you may have seen on the 
site is a failed (incomplete ??) attempt to do so.

Another thing is that a configuration interface is what makes you product 
seem superior to others. So if people make good gui's for *, the probably 
keep them to themselves as a competetive advantage.


 On Tue, 9 Sep 2003, Buddy Edwards wrote:

> Is there a basic web interface to the console to the asterisk system
> like webmin?

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