On Wed, 2003-09-10 at 11:55, James Sharp wrote:
> If I have a system with 1 machine to handle incoming H.323 calls and then
> multiple machines to distribute them to T1 ports over TDMoE, where does
> the codec translation take place?  Does it take place in the master system
> or does it take place in each of the slave TDMoE systems?
> Also, any idea how many concurrent G.729 calls a system like this would
> handle?

Not to make you sound stupid, but TDMoE is Time Division Multiplex over
Ethernet. TDM is the same as what is done on T1/E1 lines. TDM implies
either ulaw or alaw encoding depending on your location. So therefore
the codec translation occurs before the audio makes it to TDMoE. 

You probably would rather do IAX2 trunking as it uses only the necessary
bandwidth needed for the in process calls. TDMoE will eat the same
amount of bandwidth no matter what is being transported. Add to this the
fact that just like real T1/E1 circuits, they can't be easily
dynamically added. They have to be provisioned and then deployed. IAX2
will just scale to the ends of your bandwidth and CPU without additional

Steven Critchfield  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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