At 21:11 16-9-2003 +0800, you wrote:
Possible to call the user's phone and allow the user to access or read the voice mail whenever there is a voice mail?
I know the email notification works.

Sure. Whenever I program a voicemail entrance (i.e. after a busy signal or timeout on the Dial) I allow for an escape that accesses VoiceMailMail:

exten => s,1,Wait,2
exten => s,2,Answer
exten => s,3,Wait,1
exten => s,4,Background,myvoicemailprompt
exten => s,5,Voicemail(s1000)   ; My personal voicemailbox
exten => s,6,Hangup

exten => 0,1,AGI,VoicemailMain
exten => 0,2,Hangup

This way, I can call my own phone, wait for the voicemail to kick in and then interrupt it to get to my messages.

Ofcourse VoicemailMain can be made a little smarter to allow direct access (without mailbox/password) when it is being called from a trusted line (your cellphone, for instance).
I use a little AGI script for that.

Met vriendelijke groet,
Florian Overkamp
ObSimRef BV (

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