Hey there folks --

I have been continuing development on the multi-threaded, c-based Asterisk Manager Proxy program, AstManProxy.

I've incorporated several ideas I received at the recent Astricon Europe, including:

 - Supports proxying of multiple Asterisk servers at once
 - Abstracted, modular I/O handlers (implemented as shared objects)
 - Existing handlers: XML, Standard, CSV, HTTP

One really cool feature that I'd like feedback and testing on is HTTP support. With this, you can POST or GET HTTP to the proxy and receive XML back, thus allowing a very simple (REST-like) web interface to the Asterisk Manager.

Please download astmanproxy 1.1 and try it out:

We are also putting together an 'astmanproxy' mailing list. If you would like to join, please e-mail me and I will include your name in the initial mailing list.

Thanks, and for you fellow yanks out there, have a great holiday!


David C. Troy
popvox, LLC
Phone: +1-410-647-5812
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