Oh puhlease! gimme a break... Go have a look at the archives... I kinda stick out all over the place.

While you're away from the computer, get your tin-foil hat adjusted... maybe adjust your meds too

C F wrote:
Well so for all I know you work for sipmpletelcom.com and are just
trying to cover up.

On 7/5/05, Bruce Ferrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

tell ya what, when everyone posts all the private backdoor numbers they
have, I'll post that one

C F wrote:

You did send it to the list, but I'm asking you to post the phone
number you used to call get a hold of someone.

On 7/5/05, Bruce Ferrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I thought I sent it out to the list when I sent it to you... I guess it
didn't go

C F wrote:

Can you please share this with everybody? who did you speak to? on
which number did you get ahold of them?

On 7/5/05, Bruce Ferrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've gotten word from their Marketing VP.  They are doing some kind of
massive move and expect to be down until Thursday

C F wrote:

I just called that number I posted before and it seems (at least from
what that Sean Kane is telling me), that they are not connected at
all. The reason I decided to post is because as far back as Feburary I
kept trying to get in touch with both numbers (the one on whois, and
the one on that posted web site), and I wasn't able to get anybody.

On 7/5/05, Bruce Ferrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

not the same at all.  I just called them

C F wrote:

This is a good one, I have no clue if they are out of business or not,
but in the past they have always liked to just take naps every so
often, just like we humans do.


For some reason I think these are the same guys, anybody want to confirm that?

On 7/5/05, Robert Webb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Mon, 4 Jul 2005 20:56:30 -0400
Jimmy Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

6  beyond-the-network.LosAngeles.savvis.net
(  33.966 ms
34.143 ms  33.841 ms
7  * * *

hangs there...

savvis invoice paid ?

beyond-the-network a black hole ?

On 7/4/05, Gary Reuter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Can't place calls...
Can't access website...
Neither of the 3 nameservers answer anything...
Anyone heard/know something to explain all this?

My guess is that they are out of business. I just tried
calling the telephone number in Nevada listed on their
domain registration and it states the number has been

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