RFC 3389 - Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) Payload for Comfort Noise

Turn off CN and you will be fine.


On Sat, 20 Sep 2003, Don LeBlanc wrote:

> Hello All,
> We are running Asterisk on a linux server as a SIP proxy with Cisco ATA 186's at the 
> subscriber end.  For long distance we have iax2 connectivity with a ip carrier.  For 
> local calls we are routing out through a commercial VEGA voicestream pots unit to an 
> adtran channel bank and then from there to our class 5 soft switch.   The sip to sip 
> calls and the long distance calls work great.  The problem is with the local calls 
> going out the pstn gateway (vega to channel bank to soft switch).  When I dial a 
> local call from one of my ATA186 units, I hear a sound that is like someone pressing 
> down a digit on the phone key pad and temporary dialtone.  After about 1 second of 
> this, the call proceeds & terminates normally.  Below is part of what comes up in 
> the sip debug log :
> (no NAT) to
> NOTICE[12301]: File rtp.c, Line 263 (process_rfc3389): RFC3389 support incomplete.  
> Turn off on client if possible
> NOTICE[12301]: File rtp.c, Line 263 (process_rfc3389): RFC3389 support incomplete.  
> Turn off on client if possible
> Does anyone know if it is possible to disable rtp support ONLY to my local calls 
> through the pstn ?  My vendor with the Vega product says that the calls going 
> through it, should allow the Vega to do all of the rtp.  Any help would be greatly 
> appreciated.
> Sincerely, Don LeBlanc
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