John Fawcett wrote:
> Sean Rima wrote:
>> Using the install instructions for [EMAIL PROTECTED], I setup a FWD account, 
>> this I
>> tested using X-Lite and it works okay,
>> Nowever I cannot make calls to fwd using Asterisk, my log showes:
>> Aug 14 21:06:09 NOTICE[1324]: Registration of '689482' rejected:
>> Registration Refused
>> Aug 14 21:06:59 NOTICE[1324]: Registration of '689482' rejected:
>> Registration Refused
> I'm new to this, but just a couple of thoughts:
> were you using SIP to connect to FWD from XTEN?
> Are you using SIP or IAX to connect to FWD from Asterisk?
> If you're using IAX, have you done the additional registration
> step needed by FWD to enable the IAX protocol?
> It might be worthwhile posting your configuration (sip.conf or iax.conf
> depending on what you're using).

I have just scratched the setup and will be using the setup that is on
the wiki to try it out, the only problem is that I am dialup and cannot
use the externalip= setting, so have to work a way around that as yet


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