Dialing an Agent in version 1.0.7 works fine, here's what shows up in the CLI:

 -- Executing SetCIDName("SIP/518-6071", "Calling Agent4000") in new stack
    -- Executing Dial("SIP/518-6071", "Agent/4000|30|t") in new stack
    -- outgoing agentcall, to agent '4000', on 'Local/[EMAIL PROTECTED],1'
    -- Called 4000
    -- Executing Dial("Local/[EMAIL PROTECTED],2", "SIP/517|30|t") in new stack
    -- Called 517
    -- SIP/517-39f4 is ringing
    -- Agent/4000 is ringing
    -- SIP/517-39f4 answered Local/[EMAIL PROTECTED],2
    -- Agent/4000 stopped sounds
    -- Local/[EMAIL PROTECTED],1 answered, waiting for '#' to acknowledge
  == Spawn extension (sip, 517, 1) exited non-zero on 'Local/[EMAIL 
    -- SIP/517-39f4 acknowledged
    -- Agent/4000 answered SIP/518-6071

However, when I dial an Agent channel in version 1.0.9, the Agent on
the other side acknowledges the call (by pressing #), a transfer
happens rather than an acknowledgement.

Here's what shows up in the CLI:

 Executing SetCIDName("SIP/316-21f2", "Fr 316 To Agent1415") in new stack
    -- Executing Dial("SIP/316-21f2", "Agent/1415|30|t") in new stack
    -- outgoing agentcall, to agent '1415', on 'Local/[EMAIL PROTECTED],1'
    -- Called 1415
    -- Executing Dial("Local/[EMAIL PROTECTED],2", "SIP/309|30|t") in new stack
    -- Called 309
    -- SIP/309-bab5 is ringing
    -- Agent/1415 is ringing
    -- SIP/309-bab5 answered Local/[EMAIL PROTECTED],2
    -- Local/[EMAIL PROTECTED],1 answered, waiting for '#' to acknowledge
    -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on Local/[EMAIL PROTECTED],1
    -- Playing 'pbx-transfer' (language 'en')
    -- Unable to find extension '' in context 'outgoing'
    -- Playing 'pbx-invalid' (language 'en')
  == Spawn extension (sip, 309, 1) exited non-zero on 'Local/[EMAIL 

I noticed that the line "Spawn extension..." takes a longer time to
show up in version 1.0.9 than in 1.0.7 . The calling party continues
to ring before the last line shows up. Same problem with queue call
forwarding. Agents should acknowledge calls immediately. Can anyone
explain why is it so?
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