I have a TDM4xx card with two (3 and 4) interfaces for my land lines. I have a basic setup working with them and one VoIP provider. Questions:

1. How do I determine which Zap line the incoming call is on so I can handle it differently? One line is my home phone and the other is my work line. I would like different dialplans for each.

2. When I have my work line set (via Verizon) to call forward to my cell phone, the analog phone, and hence the TDM card, get a single short ring and then Verizon rings my cell phone. My problem is the * box seems to hesitate a bit, then ring the SIP phones several times before it realizes the call is not there. Below is my dialplan for the analog lines.

3. Along with question 2, does * actually "answer" the line when it rings? I mean, how do I ask it, does it pick up the line or just monitor the "ring" signal and wait for me to pick up a phone then connect me to it?

exten => s,1,NoOp
exten => s,2,Dial(${PHONE1}&${PHONE2},15,Ttm)
exten => s,3,Voicemail(u${PHONE1VM})
exten => s,4,Hangup
exten => s,102,Voicemail(b${PHONE1VM})
exten => s,103,Hangup

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