> -----Original Message-----
> From: Garry Adkins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I agree...  As a unix support person at work, I find that I have to
> these types of watchdogs often...  Sometimes an application will
> fail, or fail but not exit, ending up as some zombie.  (I've tried the
> ps -auxw, and it's not smart enough to see a program has hung...  and
> load average is now about 80...)

A good, no, excellent, monitoring system is Nagios (www.nagios.org). It
uses the concepts of plugins to monitor 'OK', 'WARNING' and 'CRITICAL'
states. A variety of plugin's for * could monitor the main process, loop
back inside of * (via AGI), grep of /var/log/asterisk/messages for
channel errors, etc.

Nagios can also use event handlers to do things such as restarting
processes (*).

You're points make sense Garry, and are appreciated. Methods for
monitoring the health of * is something to do once I integrate * into
our production facility for out-calling of alerts using festival. Until
then, I'll rely upon our organic monitoring system, the users. :)


--- Gavin
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