Could some out there with a PRI check and see if this problem shows up
on your system?

The test is to dial a number routed to * via a PRI where there is no
match in the dial plan for the dialed number.

Asterisk will reject the call, but "show zap channels" still shows the
channel assigned to the number that was dialed under the extensions

The channel WILL answer another call, but only after all other channels
are used.

The behavior is different when the call is completed and then hung up,
the show zap channels will show nothing under the extensions column.

I have seen it on two systems now, and I am not sure if I should be
concerned since the channel is not actually in use and will answer
another call.

It looks more like a variable is not cleared when a call is rejected due
to no match in the dialplan

CVS HEAD 8/27/05

Thanks. Either I am seeing things or no one else has noticed this since
it does not appear to have any impact on system performance that I can

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2005 8:17 PM
To: Damon Estep
Subject: [Core Asterisk 0005203]: PRI zap channels not cleared when no
match in context for dialed number on inbound call

A NOTE has been added to this issue.
Reported By:                sohosys
Assigned To:                
Project:                    Core Asterisk
Issue ID:                   5203
Category:                   General
Reproducibility:            always
Severity:                   minor
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     new
CVS Branch/Release:         CVS HEAD
CVS Date:                   8/27/05
Disclaimer on File?:        N/A
Date Submitted:             09-12-2005 19:58 CDT
Last Modified:              09-13-2005 21:16 CDT
Summary:                    PRI zap channels not cleared when no match
context for dialed number on inbound call
When a number is dialed that is routed by the Telco to a PRI connected
asterisk, but no match exisits in the context in which the call comes
asterisk reports rejecting call, but does not clear the channels.

zap show channels continues to show the dialed number until asterisk is
stopped and restarted, reload does not clear.

 kpfleming - 09-13-05 21:16 
This is clearly not something that other users are experiencing; as the
guidelines require, please provide a _complete_ trace of this problem
occurring so we can try to resolve it. If you are not aware of how to
produce that trace, find a bug marshal on #asterisk to help you.

Issue History
Date Modified  Username       Field                    Change

09-12-05 19:58 sohosys        New Issue

09-12-05 19:58 sohosys        Issue Monitored: sohosys

09-12-05 19:58 sohosys        CVS Branch/Release        => CVS HEAD

09-12-05 19:58 sohosys        CVS Date                  => 8/27/05

09-12-05 19:58 sohosys        Disclaimer on File?       => N/A

09-13-05 21:16 kpfleming      Note Added: 0033457


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