Blatantly stolen from Mark's presentation:

exten => 600/2565551212,1,Congestion
exten => 600,1,Dial(Zap/9,15)
exten => 600,2,Voicemail(u600)
exten => 600,102,Voicemail(b600)

If the Caller*ID matches the ex-girlfriend (2565551212), provide immediate congestion tone. Otherwise try dialing on Zap/9 for up to 15 seconds. If there is no answer send them to voicemail, preceeded by “unavailable” message. If the interface is busy, send them to voicemail with a “busy” message.

Jeremy McNamara

Matt McIntyre wrote:

I was wondering if someone might be able to offer a suggestion to me about how I might go about dropping a caller into a context specific to their CID. For example, I would like to be able to dial Asterisk from a specific number (a mobile phone) and have it drop me into a context other then the one that normal callers receive that has more options tailored to things I might want to do. I assume that “answer” can somehow be used to do this but I thought I might ask the experts and see what they might have to say.

Thanks in advance,

(You guys are great)


! Matt McIntyre (KF4FGZ)
! Certified Novell Administrator
! (336) 334-1134 (Campus telephone)
! (336) 215-7199 (Mobile telephone) <- Please note the change
! (336) 334-1134 (Facsimile)
! ICQ: 11956085

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