On Mon, 2003-09-29 at 13:23, Jeff Dodge wrote:
> So -- If you don't distribute the compiled app to me -- I have no right to
> ask you for the source.  Even if I pay
> you for your custom application and you must provide me with the source
> (Upon request!) I have no redistribution rights
> to that source code.  I may utilize it internally -- but you still own the
> copyright.

Actually, that last part is wrong.  Part of the GPL is that you must
extend them the terms of the GPL, which allow them to redistribute the

In any case, if you don't like the "evil" terms of the GPL, then write
the bloody thing from scratch.  You don't have some God-given right to
do whatever you want with GPL'ed software.  The authors have given you
something for free, with a few restrictions on how you can redistribute
it.  If they hadn't been so kind as to release it under the GPL, you
wouldn't have access to it at all.

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