Jamie Carl wrote:

All registered with Sourceforge. The new project will be called 'AstWeb' and will be available under the GNU General Public Licence. The current release of AstCDR will be ported over in the next day or so along with the addition of a few features and labelled 'AstWeb v0.4'.

The project is currently pending approval with SF.net and once approved will be available for download from the SF.net website.

Thanx all,


Thats COOL!!!. :)

Is GPL the correct licence for it??

I am not so hot on all that licencing stuff and all I hear is that licence X is not compatible with licence Y and so this code needs to removed and yada-yada-yada blah-blah-blah..

Would it not be better to use LGPL (which I believe is less restrictive) or X11/MIT Licence which has very few limitations as I see it..


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