> To me it sounds like we have talked about the following..
> * CDR Viewing (real time view of last 20 (filterable by
>   src/dst/accountcode etc..) CDR entries)
> * CDR Reporting (per user/company/line, Somthing like the
>   itemised billing from a telco, User Accessable)
Sounds good. Would you want to extend it any, using place names etc? So
calls to +1604xxx show up as "Canada" or "BC, Canada" (or even "Vancouver
BC, Canada") or am I just being a bit too ambitious (and annoying) there?

> * Asterisk Management (initially based on PHPconfig)
Can you elaborate on this a bit? Do you mean holding all the config
parameters in databases which are either accessed natively or used to
generate text config files (as many web hosting control panels do)? Or do
you just mean including the existing web config stuff in to the bigger grand
scheme, more or less as-is?

I like the ideas of user self service.. or user filtered access to the CDR

Will there/should there be levels of user access and stuff to restrict
access to certain areas?

Big can of worms we're opening, but I'm up for some PHP coding, I have spare
cycles right now.. and with a snazzy front end, it's more value to

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