While it seems this discussion is taking on here, i'll just jump in myself.

A couple of weeks ago i started playing with the idea of a webadmin, but one
that is bit different then the phpconfig there is now. Allthough i think
it's a good thing, don't get me wrong, i myself had something else in mind
for a webbased admin tool.

The way i see it the webtool needs to be something that puts the power of
asterisk config to non config file 'freaks' :)

I was more thinking of a tool that easily let's you add dialplan entries,
(sip) phones etc to your pbx, while not needing to dive into any config
stuff. It may even go that far that it has a certain set of pre-assumed
settings based on the type of setup that the * is being used in.

I had a quick play with the example table that is include in * together with
the .pl to export it to the config file.

My playing around can be found here: http://www.vanderkraan.net/awacs/
(Quickly named Asterisk WebAdmin Control System, just be cause abbreviation
looked nice LOL)

I think this might still be a bit to complicated, as i'd like to work to the
following type of system:

User buys a new phone and adds it to the system by either selecting which
zap port it is connected to or if it's a SIP phone they can supply username

They add a new voicemail box by giving it a name, pincode and email address,
then they go into their internet dialplan, add a free extension (225 for
example) and select the phone. If they also created a voicemail box then
they should als have the option to activate voicemail for that extension and
the timeout that it needs.

Last thing they need to do is go to inbound-isdn (or PRI or....) and add
this phone to a general number to ring, or maybe just only give it a direct

You could also think of things like being able to change office hours and
maybe forced closed/open, allow/change prefix dialing (which is used in alot
of european countries now to change from local operator) etc. Offcourse
they'll still need someone to put in their nice voice messages, define call
queue etc but i think this would allready be a nice step to a user/local
admin friendly type of setup.

I don't want to try and compete or get in the way of other modules being
developed, but i think the idea i have in mind is not what the phpconfig (or
others) are currently focussing on. Which fine and i think there is room for
different type of modules.

I'd just like to know, would it be save for me to say that his would need to
be a seperate project? If not please feel free to let me know too...
If so i'd be happy to take on this project and hope some other people will
step in and join me.

Let me know what you think. If i'd like to help out then i think it's best
you mail me privately (or join me on the * IRC channel) to avoid the 'me
too' type of posts....



Tjardick van der Kraan

IAXtel: 1 700 344 0522
FWD: 26322
IPtel: 91331

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dave Packham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2003 4:08 PM
Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] CDR Web Search Frontend

I can add stuff to the phpconfig CVS dirs if anyone wants to contrib stuff.
keep it all in one dir etc....

phpconfig can run SSL and yes its a easy way to "vi" the files directly but
it does give your options that "vi" does not.... like click on a context and
see extensions within that context.   jump from config to config etc....
its a framework to get people thinking about abbing a web interface to *.

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