On Wed, 2003-10-01 at 15:38, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Do we have any Visual Basic or .NET programmers out there? The reason I
> say that is this. I would suggest that a program or application be put

No reason to put it in a dead end language like VB. At least you might
be able to use something in .net on an alternative to windows system. 

Also if it had to be written in VB to get more developers, it probably
won't get used because those types of programmers are unlikely to use
linux in any fashion.

Of course we still haven't seen if Mickysoft is going to use copyright
and patents to stop .Net from running on anything they don't get paid
for. Remember that not the whole spec was submitted for ECMA approval.
Mickysoft held back to control the playing field. Until we know the
rules of the new Mickysoft field, be wary.
Steven Critchfield  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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