On Sun, 2005-10-23 at 23:57 -0400, Leif Madsen wrote:
> On 10/20/05, Darrick Hartman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Is there any reason why the book wasn't released as a single pdf rather
> > than the individual chapter pdf's?  Using pdftk, I merged the pdfs back
> > into a single document (11mb), then zipped it back up.  Is there any
> > restriction that would prevent me from mirroring this as a complete pdf
> > rather than individual pdfs?
> Hrmmm... that is a good question, because I guess technically you're
> not changing it. However, for now, lets just leave it as be. Perhaps
> tomorrow I will speak with Jared and the people providing the mirrors
> and ask them to update the file with the PDF after I have merged it.

As it is under the creative commons license it would be those terms that
would limit what you can and cannot do.

You are free to make derivative works, however it requires you to
release under the creative commons license any such works.  So whether
repackaging it is deemed to be a derrative work or not you are free to
do that.  If its not deemed a derrative work then there wouldnt be a
problem either.

Repackaging shouldnt really be covered as derrative work anyway because
it doesnt change the content which is what is protected, not the
packaging method.  So long as the content is 100% the same you dont have
to do anything, but if you do change the content (adding, removing,
correcting, etc) then you have to rerelease it as creative commons,
which it sounds like you wanted to keep it the same anyway so that isnt
an issue.

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