Anthony Minessale wrote:

I found this information on how to make XP have a dialpad in Windows Messenger
which was awesome news
(change it from 0 to 1 and a magic new choice to make phone calls appears)
only to be crushed hours later when I realized It doesnt seem to do dtmf right.
If i make an ext lead to AgentLogin for instance and press my extension
when I hit # i get like 4 overlapping incorrect errs because it must be sending like
4 # digits instead of 1.
I dont see a place to change the dtmf in xp and only rfc mode works
any other method is ignored..
Did anyone ever get this to work right?
estara works right in the same dtmf mode so i'm inclined to blame windows.
It at least works as a phone gateway cos you can dial the inital ext properly
when placing the call.
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Some more crushing news is if you upgrade MSN messenger past ver 4.x it no longer uses SIP.. (so I have been told)..

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