Alastair Maw wrote:

On 13/10/03 14:05, Conrad Braun wrote:

Why do you want to remove some of the conf files? Just leave them
all there.. its not like they use up a lot of space or anything..

I am just starting to use asterisk as well as VoIP in general, and
it's a bit confusing finding out what goes where... in my eyes it
seems to be a lot easier to start with a bare minimum, thereby
eliminating as many causes for error as possible. when I feel
comfortable, I can always expand on top of it.

If you just bit the bullet and removed them all, you'll discover all sorts of interesting dependencies on musiconhold, etc. On my production boxes I have autoload=no in modules.conf and then load everything in manually, as reducing the number of modules that are loaded that you don't actually use is obviously a good idea for memory footprint, stability, etc.

Here's a list of config files

I haven't seen a barebone config, it all depends on what a barebone
config is... :-) For me, it's without MGCP and for other people,
how strange as it may sound, it's without SIP...


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