I was able to get spandsp "spandsp-0.0.2pre21.tar.gz" working in 1.2.1, but you must manually copy the patch changes over to the Makefile in the \usr\src\asterisk\apps directory. I followed the following directions found by googling "asterisk spandsp".


Make sure libtiff is installed on your machine. Versions 3.5.7, 3.6.0 and 3.7.1 seem to work OK. There have been several bugs related to FAX document handling in some recent versions of libtiff. Also, some people have had trouble using spandsp because they had more than one version of libtiff on their machine. Take care with this. You will also need libxml2 installed. The FAX facility does not use this, but some other parts of spandsp do. If you are using an RPM based system, such as RedHat or Fedora, you will need the libtiff, libtiff-devel, libxml2 and libxml2-devel RPMs installed.

Use the usual:



make install

process to build the spandsp library. Note that if you use configure in this way, the software will be installed in /usr/local. In this case make sure your /etc/ld.so.conf file has an entry for /usr/local/lib and then run 'ldconfig' command.

Next, put app_rxfax.c, app_txfax.c and Makefile.patch in your Asterisk apps directory. Use the command:

patch <Makefile.patch

within the apps directory, to patch your make file so it will build the new application. If the patching process fails, don't be too surprised. The patch file was generated for a specific revision of Asterisk, and things change. It would be difficult to produce a completely generic patch. If you look through the patch, and the Makefile, I think most people should be able to work out what is needed. Now rebuild and install Asterisk. (I had to manually insert the +lines data from the patch to the Makefile, and be sure to observe TABs as space char are not acceptable and halted the compiler.)

Now if you put something like:

exten => 1234567,1,rxfax(/home/steveu/testfax.tif)

in your Asterisk extensions.conf file, a call to "1234567" should invoke the fax facility, to receive a fax to the file /home/steveu/testfax.tif. Alternatively:

exten => 1234567,1,txfax(/home/steveu/testfax.tif)

in your Asterisk extensions.conf file will cause a call to "1234567" to invoke the fax facility to send the file /home/steveu/testfax.tif to a calling fax machine. When sending a fax it is more likely you will be calling out to the remote FAX machine. In this case, make your Asterisk call the far FAX machine, and when it answers do:

exten => 1234567,1,txfax(/home/steveu/testfax.tif|caller)

The addition of "|caller" will make txfax act as a calling machine, rather than an answering machine.

----- Original Message ----- From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: gmane.comp.telephony.pbx.asterisk.user
Sent: Friday, December 30, 2005 1:17 PM
Subject: Fax Support

Can anyone guide me enabling fax support in asterisk. I tried spandsp
patch but was unsuccessful. Because patch for chan_sip.c was not proper
for asterisk's version 1.2.1. Can anyone help me adding fax support in
asterisk 1.2.1.

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