Thanks, well i had gone through it before but i had some different comments from a couple of friends on the same topic but let me clarify. currently i have 2 commercial licenses and suppose i a have backups of the licenses and once a i do a full revamp and i place my .lic files back at the respective folders... im gonna have a sure go on the same PC? am i right..? Please correct me if i am wrong.
According to the license, it's based on MAC address, as long as that doesn't change you should be all set:

A G.729 key must be re-registered if any of the ethernet devices in your 
 server are changed, added, or removed.  The unique G.729 license file which is
 located in your /var/lib/asterisk/licenses directory is tied to the MAC 
address of
 all the ethernet devices installed in your system.


Ben Franklin quote:

"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, 
deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

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