Hi Florian,

Florian Overkamp wrote:


Citeren Steve Underwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

If it doesn't work for you, don't be too surprised. Feed back anything you find, and lets try to make things better. I suspect, from experience and things I have read on the web, that a lot of fax machines do not follow the standards very well. In that case, a number of tweaks are probably needed before this new software is adequately tolerant of the behaviour of real world machines.

First off, let me start by saying I think this is a great new step that is greatly appreciated (at least by me) toward a complete telephony platform.

Second off, I just tried to build and install. Some comments up till now:

- The compilation process asks for libaudiofile headerfiles (-dev package) - this was not default on my box. Should be added to documentation I guess :)

- On my Debian box libtiff is an empty package (sucks) so I downloaded the tiff package source code. Installation here sucks once more: the mentioned tiffiop.h is not installed in /usr/local/include as I suppose it should, same goes for several other header files. Easiest was to just point the Makefile in your src/ tree toward the libtiff source.

- The linker tries to access fftw (Fourier libraries). Not default installed on my system, should probably be added to documentation

- The linker tries to access unicall. What is this ? Not installed on my system and no candidates on my searchlist (apt-get and a quick google search). How to continue ?

Thanks, and I hope to continue this adventure soon :-)

libtiff is needed for the FAX facility. The other things you had trouble with are actually dependancies for building the test programs. These test various things, not just the FAX facility. You should actually have had the library, and therefore the FAX facility, built by the time the build got to needing audiofile, fftw, etc. I went through the library dependancies properly before releasing the code, but obviously didn't go through the test suite dependancies properly. I'll clean that up, and make a new tarball. I definitely shouldn't have left dependancies on libunicall or libmfcr2, as I'm not releasing those at this time :-)


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