On Fri, Feb 24, 2006 at 10:43:31AM +0100, Armin Schindler wrote:
> On Fri, 24 Feb 2006, Ralf Schlatterbeck wrote:
> > On Thu, Feb 23, 2006 at 02:45:25PM +0100, Armin Schindler wrote:
> > > > Interesting is, that I receive an INFO_IND *before* the CONNECT_IND.
> > > > This looks like an interesting variation of Austrian ISDN to me.
> > > 
> > > Maybe it is a variation of the ISDN line, but the driver should fix that.
> > > Sending INFO_IND with a call-reference (PLCI) which is assigned by 
> > > CONNECT_IND later, is just an error of the isdn driver.
> > You mean, the capi part of misdn? Should I report a bug against mISDN?
> Yes. Maybe it is already fixed in mISDN and you have an older version?

OK, I've reported a bug to mISDN. With the patch from the Karsten Keil
in the mantis tracker:
issue: https://www.isdn4linux.de/mantis/view.php?id=40
I'm now gettig connect_ind and info_ind in the correct order (asterisk
capi debug + verbose 15 log attached). The call still does not proceed
in asterisk (the disconnect comes whe I unplug the ISDN-Line after
several minutes). I've also attached my capi.conf and relevant portions
of the dialplan. The version of mISDN is mqueue from yesterday with the
mantis-tracker patch applied.

Any ideas what I should try next?

Thanks, Ralf
Ralf Schlatterbeck
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] FAX: +43/2243/26465/23

Verbosity is at least 15
CONNECT_IND ID=001 #0x0007 LEN=0046
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x101
  CIPValue                        = 0x10
  CalledPartyNumber               = <81>11
  CallingPartyNumber              = <21 83>650621xxxx
  CalledPartySubaddress           = default
  CallingPartySubaddress          = default
  BC                              = <80 90 a3>
  LLC                             = default
  HLC                             = <91 81>
   BChannelinformation            = default
   Keypadfacility                 = default
   Useruserdata                   = default
   Facilitydataarray              = default

    -- CONNECT_IND (PLCI=0x101,DID=11,CID=650621xxxx,CIP=0x10,CONTROLLER=0x1)
       > ISDN1: msn='*' DNID='11' DID
  == ISDN1: Incoming call '0650621xxxx' -> '11'
INFO_IND ID=001 #0x0008 LEN=0016
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x101
  InfoNumber                      = 0x18
  InfoElement                     = <89>

INFO_RESP ID=001 #0x0008 LEN=0012
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x101

    -- ISDN1: info element CHANNEL IDENTIFICATION 89
DISCONNECT_IND ID=001 #0x0009 LEN=0014
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x101
  Reason                          = 0x3301

DISCONNECT_RESP ID=001 #0x0009 LEN=0012
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x101

       > CAPI INFO 0x3301: Protocol error layer 1 (broken line or B-channel 
removed by signalling protocol)
    -- ISDN1: DISCONNECT_IND on incoming without pbx, doing hangup.
  == ISDN1: CAPI Hangingup
  == ISDN1: Interface cleanup PLCI=0x101
    -- Starting simple switch on 'Zap/2-1'
    -- Hungup 'Zap/2-1'

; The "General" category is for certain variables.  

CONSOLE=Console/dsp                             ; Console interface for demo
SERVERRAUM=Zap/2 ; Alias for BUERO

exten => 0,1,Noop()
exten => 0,2,Noop(0)
exten => 0,3,Dial(${UNTEN})
exten => 0,4,Busy()
exten => 0,104,Busy()
exten => 11,1,Noop()
exten => 11,2,Noop(11)
exten => 11,3,Dial(${UNTEN})
exten => 11,4,Busy()
exten => 11,104,Busy()
exten => 12,1,Noop()
exten => 12,2,Noop(12)
exten => 12,3,Dial(${OBEN})
exten => 12,4,Busy()
exten => 12,104,Busy()
exten => 13,1,Noop()
exten => 13,2,Noop(13)
exten => 13,3,Playtones(busy)
exten => 13,4,Busy()
exten => 13,104,Busy()
exten => 14,1,Noop()
exten => 14,2,Noop(16)
exten => 14,3,Dial(${SIPPHONE})
exten => 14,4,Busy()
exten => 14,104,Busy()
exten => 15,1,Noop()
exten => 15,2,Noop(16)
exten => 15,3,Dial(${SERVERRAUM})
exten => 15,4,Busy()
exten => 15,104,Busy()
exten => 16,1,Noop()
exten => 16,2,Noop(16)
; War: BUERO
exten => 16,3,Dial(${BUERO})
exten => 16,4,Busy()
exten => 16,104,Busy()
exten => 17,1,Noop()
exten => 17,2,Noop(17)
exten => 17,3,Dial(${OFAX})
exten => 17,4,Busy()
exten => 17,104,Busy()
exten => 23,1,Noop()
exten => 23,2,Noop(23)
exten => 23,3,Dial(${OFAX})
exten => 23,4,Busy()
exten => 23,104,Busy()
exten => s,1,Noop()
exten => s,2,Noop(s)
exten => s,3,Dial(${UNTEN})
exten => s,4,Busy()
exten => s,104,Busy()
exten => _X.,1,Noop()
exten => _X.,2,Noop(_X.)
exten => _X.,3,Dial(${UNTEN})
exten => _X.,4,Busy()
exten => _X.,104,Busy()

include => extern

; CAPI config

; general section

language=de      ;set default language
;ulaw=yes        ;set this, if you live in u-law world instead of a-law

; interface sections ...

[ISDN1]          ;this example interface gets name 'ISDN1' and may be any
                 ;name not starting with 'g' or 'contr'.
;ntmode=yes      ;if isdn card operates in nt mode, set this to yes
isdnmode=did     ;'MSN' (point-to-multipoint) or 'DID' (direct inward dial)
                 ;when using NT-mode, 'DID' should be set in any case
incomingmsn=*    ;allow incoming calls to this list of MSNs/DIDs, * = any
defaultcid=11    ;set a default caller id to that interface for dial-out,
                 ;this caller id will be used when dial option 'd' is set.
;controller=0    ;ISDN4BSD default
;controller=7    ;ISDN4BSD USB default
controller=1     ;capi controller number to use
group=1          ;dialout group
;prefix=0        ;set a prefix to calling number on incoming calls
softdtmf=on      ;enable/disable software dtmf detection, recommended for AVM 
relaxdtmf=on     ;in addition to softdtmf, you can use relaxed dtmf detection
accountcode=     ;Asterisk accountcode to use in CDRs
context=default  ;context for incoming calls
;holdtype=hold   ;when Asterisk puts the call on hold, ISDN HOLD will be used.
                 ;If set to 'local' (default value), no hold is done and
                 ;Asterisk may play MOH.
immediate=yes   ;DID: immediate start of pbx with extension 's' if no digits 
                 ;     received on incoming call (no destination number yet)
                 ;MSN: start pbx on CONNECT_IND and don't wait for 
                 ;     info like REDIRECTINGNUMBER may be lost, but this is 
necessary for
                 ;     drivers/pbx/telco which does not send SETUP or 
;echosquelch=1   ;_VERY_PRIMITIVE_ echo suppression
;echocancel=yes  ;EICON DIVA SERVER (CAPI) echo cancelation
                 ;(possible values: 'no', 'yes', 'force', 'g164', 'g165') 
echocancelold=yes;use facility selector 6 instead of correct 8 (necessary for 
older eicon drivers)
;echotail=64     ;echo cancel tail setting
;bridge=yes      ;native bridging (CAPI line interconnect) if available
;callgroup=1     ;Asterisk call group
;language=de     ;set language for this device (overwrites default language)
devices=2        ;number of concurrent calls on this controller
                 ;(2 makes sense for single BRI, 30 for PRI)

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