WipeOut wrote:

John Brown (CV) wrote:

Hi List,

I had a wonderful meeting with GS's President last week
and he is very interested in feedback on what top features,
functions, bugs the community would like to see in upcoming

Please keep in mind that adding new features take time to develop, test and such.

So please rate your ideas on a scale of 1-10

1 = Nice to have some day

10 = Got to have it right now

Things like ring tones and fixing call waiting are already
on the list. :)

Lets also keep the replys away from gripes and complaints
and more towards constructive comments.

I'll be taking the results and sending GS a summary.

John Brown,
Chagres Technologies, Inc

Buy your VoIP hardware from us
email: sales at chagres d0t net for quotes

Here is another thought that I haven't heard mentioned...

How about changing the TFTP upgrade in favour of HTTP upgrades and config file retrieval.. I am sure almost everyone has an HTTP server available to them but I doubt many have a TFTP server available.. I think this would help many people.. If you agree reply.. :)


Asterisk-Users mailing list

Virtually every linux distribution I know of has TFTP as part of the distribution, or is easily available as an add on. It is trivial to set up, has very low overhead and a small footprint.

Stephen R. Besch

Asterisk-Users mailing list

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