Joseph Tanner wrote:
Just a note:

Two questions.  One, why the need for local side echo cancellation?  I
thought you could just reverse the connection and it would now disable
echo in the opposite direction?  Just curious, I don't have a T1, and
this is just based on what I've read.

I have E.C. turned off in Asterisk, I want the card to have the ability to cancel in both directions.

Two, is there any way to tell what cards have this option just by
looking at them?  I bought a large lot (40+) and intend to resell
them, probably on ebay.  I would like to know what extras they have or
don't have, so I can list them appropriately.
If you've looked at the picture in the ebaY auction, you should notice the daughter board. Without the daughter board, the area is quite absent of chips. The 1 board that I have without the daughter board and the 3 with had send side E.C.

You can verify by powering a unit up and scrolling though the options until you see 38. If there is no 38, then the board doesn't have send side E.C.


Ben Franklin quote:

"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, 
deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

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