> Our solution to the "agent log out" problem is admittedly imperfect in
> the general case, but it works well enough if you can do without agent
> passwords.
> - This only works if agents don't have passwords. You could probably
>   modify it to look up passwords in real time, but it wasn't important
>   enough for us.
> - Use ${AGENT_BY_CALLERID_${CALLERID}} to get the agent logged into the
>   dialling extension.
> - Dial a local extension and send # after dial, to log out and press #
>   without agent intervention.
> The extension agents dial to log out looks like this. It calculates the
> logged in agent and calls the logout macro (below), or if there's no
> agent logged in, just plays back a message.
> [macro-agent_logout_ext]
> exten => s, 1, set(agent=${AGENTBYCALLERID_${ARG1}})
> exten => s, 2, gotoif(${agent}?3:101)
> exten => s, 3, macro(agent_logout,${agent})
> exten => s, 101, macro(answer_wait)
> exten => s, 102, playback(agent-loggedoff)
> exten => s, 103, hangup()
> The agent logout macro has a bit of a hack to send # to
> agentcallbacklogin after the agent ID is entered. In retrospect I'm not
> sure the global var needs to be global, here.
> Note that the agent hears agentcallbacklogin's "the agent is logged off"
> message, except the initial portion is cut off briefly.
> [macro-agent_logout]
> exten => s, 1, setglobalvar(agent=${ARG1})
> exten => s, 2, noop(agent ${agent})
> exten => s, 3, dial(local/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/n,,D(w#)o)
> exten => logout, 1, noop(agent logout ${agent})
> exten => logout, 2, wait(1)
> exten => logout, 3, agentcallbacklogin(${agent},,@shared_phones)
> I hope this helps.
> Alan Ferrency
> pair Networks, Inc.
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Hey that works really really well!  Thanks!
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