Ya, we do, but it's ugly.   If you'd care to follow along here's what I did:

I set up sphinx2 like at http://turnkey-solution.com/asterisk-sphinx.html including the sphinx-netserver.pl and sphinx-netclient.pl, but didn't worry about their perl snippet at the end. I followed their suggestions regarding replacing the default hmm/6k acoustic model.

To make the dictionary, I made a list of people we want included in a text file, for example:

and went to the dictionary-creating link referenced in the howto: http://www.speech.cs.cmu.edu/tools/lmtool.html -- uploaded my new text file and got back a dictionary file to install as per the howto. Note the instructions regarding modifying sphinx-netserver.pl to use the dictionary you just made. Also note that sphinx-netserver.pl and sphinx-netclient.pl have some line-wrap problems and won't run as copied from their page without backspacing some lines back together. For example, in sphinx-netserver.pl were two lines that read:

$MAX_CLIENTS_PER_CHILD = 50; #number of clients each child
should process

and the "should process" was part of the prior line's comment and needed to be brought up there or deleted entirely.

I then created a file I called number_map that consists of two tab-separated columns. The fist column contains exactly the same data as the dictionary file you made earlier, and the second column contains the number to dial:
PIZZA EXPRESS<tab>9664638<enter>

number_map goes in the agi-bin directory along with voice_dir.php, my php agi interface to the whole deal. voice_dir.php refers to sounds "hcllc-voicedir-sayname" -- this contains "Please say the name of the person you wish to call" and "hcllc-voicedir-name-unconfigured" which contains something like "That name is unconfigured at present".

at http://horanappraisals.com/asterisk/voice_dir you'll find number_map and voice_dir.php to be both placed into your agi directory.

hope this helps! Sorry it's so kludgey, there's only a few people in our office, so we can be fairly confident everyone knows how to use it safely.


Ronald Wiplinger wrote:
I have a gateway, which I call from my mobile phone (free of charge, since it is the same phone company). This gateway gives me a dial tone. I can than dial to any extension number or even other gateways, ....

It is getting more a trouble to remember all the numbers, or to key in all the long phone numbers when you got the dialtone.

I was thinking of using for this Sphinx2. How can I implement that? I should dial to a "sphinx2" extension number, what could be 111 and than I say the name of the user I want to call to.

1. dialing the gateway
2. waiting for the dialtone
3. key in 111
4. waiting for the prompt
5. say the users name:  "Peter"
6. call Peter's number:    2345678

Has anybody done something like that (partially) before?


Ronald Wiplinger
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