One of my user is praising Skype!!!

I cannot figure out anymore what I can improve!

This users sip show peers is jumping from 65 msec to 1800 all the time. Of course his voice quality is like a morse code with dashes or dots of connection time. The next minute he calls me via Skype and it works fine !!!! What indicates that there is no fault on his Internet connection!!!

He is using his notebook and Xlite, but also tried the snom 360.

Any hints?

Is he calling you on another VoIP phone or calling you on a landline/cellphone (through the PSTN)? If he is calling a landline/cellphone, then it is probably your upstream termination provider that is having jitter problems (this is my exact problem). If I check my voicemails on my IP phone (which connects directly to my asterisk box 60 miles away), everything is great. HOWEVER, if I *dial* my telephone number and check my voicemails (as if I was calling in to check my voicemails), I get loads of jitter. So between my IP phone and my * box, the connection is great, but its what is after my * box that is causing the problem.

Who is providing you termination?

- Gabe

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