On Thu, Oct 30, 2003 at 10:28:32AM +1100, Paul Liew wrote:
> Hi all,
> Having fixed my problems with the call waiting ringing on the GS phones, I needed to 
> extend that with a campon facility (available on some legacy systems - sort of 
> callwaiting without phone ringing). I've managed to implement that by 
> adding/modifying app_queue.c. Basically, when calling the SIP phone, and if busy, I 
> can camp the call onto that extension, with MOH, allowing the caller to drop out to 
> voicemail or other priority, if they wish to. You just need to record an additional 
> voice file as instructions for the caller in the campon function. Sample of 
> extensions.conf

Paul, this looks great.  I'd like to try it.
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