There is a parameter NAT can be set in the configuration file.  Is
it the way that we can use to support NAT by setting nat=yes in the
file instead using other NAT resolving tools like stun?

On 6/6/06, trixter aka Bret McDanel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Tue, 2006-06-06 at 16:12 +0800, Chen Fan wrote:
> hi,
> We need STUN client support for asterisk...
> becasue the service provider only offer STUN interface,, so i can not
> connect asterisk to their server,,,,
all stun does is resolve your external IP by sending data to a foreign
server which looks at the IP and returns it back to you.  It has nothing
to do with the channel used other than SIP will then use that IP (which
can be defined by either externhost or externip - dont forget localnet
too in sip.conf).

> i have found that there someone is develop res_stun.c ..but still not
> release...
likely that is just going to replace the externip value in the chan_sip
driver.  I cant imagine that it would do much more than that.

Have you set both externip and localnet in sip.conf and checked to see
if that works?  If you dont do NAT on your end it wont even be required.

Trixter http://www.0xdecafbad.com     Bret McDanel
Belfast IE +44 28 9099 6461    DE +49 801 777 555 3402
Utrecht NL +31 306 553058      US WA +1 360 207 0479
US NY +1 516 687 5200          FreeWorldDialup: 635378
http://www.trxtel.com we pay you to terminate calls with us!

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