hi all

I have a few boxes in my setup, most connected to one or more PRIs. Today, we're making the telco do the number filtering in the switch, this number range to this PRI etc. This is all fine, but not too flexible, as we're depended upon some switch monkey being available to do the job, and sometimes the may mess up.

So, is it possible to do this in asterisk? For testing purposes, we may say two asterisk boxes with one PRI each.

So, a few questions:

- If the call received by asterisk from the PRI is sent to a number not in the dialplan, what will asterisk do? Will the call be cancelled, or will asterisk signal something back to the switch to indicate "dunno about this, try another"?

- If the call is received by Asterisk from a wildchar extensions like exten => _X.,1,......., will it be possible to signal the switch "dunno about this, try another" later in the chain? Since Asterisk's current dialplan implementation does not scale wery well, we're doing sip user/callerid lookups in mysql from an AGI script and the MYSQL app from -addons. Anyway, this means we'll accept all incoming calls before handling them (not answering, though, just accepting them to the dialplan).

Thanks you

Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk
(+47) 98013356
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