Engineers of all kinds can be a bit lax about documentation. However, the documentation police are rightly held in a regard usually reserved for lawyers, realtors, used car salesmen and serial killers.

There isn't a single thing to stop anyone that really loves documentation actually producing some. This includes documentation for configuration management. However, I've yet to find a documentation whiner prepared to do anything useful. The ones who are genuine don't whine - they produce something.


Philipp von Klitzing wrote:


1) No >1.0 release. In fact, no release structure at all really. (Hold your flames: I know this is to be remedied soon, along with backtrack patches for security/stability.)

With that comes a "changelog" and some basic documentation. I still find it amazing that "coders" are permitted to add features and introduce patches without ANY kind of documentation. ;->

Cheers, Philipp

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