> Trixbox scatters it's config files. Some stuff is kept in the
> database, some in the conf files.
> You have to keep your configuration in specific files that won't be
> overrritten.

True - TB does a lot of very specific stuff.  If you want to have a
plain Jane dial plan for your stuff then use the file
"extensions_custom.conf" or create a whole new
"extensions_whatever.conf" file, then #include it in

> Trixbox has it's own contexts for everything so when people give you
> instructions that work on a plain jane asterisk box it won't work.

While it can be more complicated to integrate dialplan suggestions from
others, this statement is not entirely true.  Your best bet when using
TB is to study their dialplan.  If you can understand *why* they have
what they have in there then you will be able to add your own stuff
without any hitches.  Just be sure that you know what is there already.
The TB stock dialplan is not small, so you should plan on a few hours of
studying it before you feel totally comfortable with it.  (Be sure to
have a reference handy so that you can look up commands.  I bought the
TFOT book whose reference I found invaluable when studying dialplans
from TB and others.)

> Trixbox does not have a mailing list. The forums suck. There is no
> real support from anybody. Everybody is asking questions and maybe
> somebody will answer your question maybe they wont.

Again, not entirely true.  The forums aren't the best I've ever seen,
but I've never had a post go unanswered.  In some cases, I've had
answers within an hour.  It depends entirely upon the depth of the
question.  Like all forums, the easier the question, the more likely to
have a greater number of answers and to have them more quickly.  Deeper
questions tend to require more effort and the pool of available brains
to think about them is smaller, so it usually takes more time.

> People who use trixbox are not writing AGI scripts by and large so I
> don't think you will get any help in that regard at all.

There might be some truth to this.  Those who choose TB do so for
certain reasons.  That being said, I've done a number of AGI operations
with TB and the Asterisk Perl module.  Again, it all depends...

> I am using trixbox and I am starting to feel like I would have been
> better off with just a plain asterisk box for my agi work.

Quite possibly the case.  If you have the resources to do a plain *
install next to your TB install then that would be ideal because you
could get your feet wet in doing a plain * install and you could also
use the TB install for reference.  You may find that a plain install
suits your tastes and situation just fine.

-MC, plain Jane and TB user
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