On Tue, 2003-11-18 at 09:53, Florian Overkamp wrote:
> At 09:45 18-11-2003 -0500, you wrote:
> >And yes, they can run fine together(I'm not using VOIP, just a T1 out of
> >Asterisk to Bayonne to test and see if it would work). The IVR application
> >that I currently still have running on Bayonne is only still on Bayonne
> >because it can never go down, and Bayonne has proven itself to me to be
> >extremely stable, while I cannot personally say AT THIS TIME that an
> >Asterisk box would stay up for over 6 months with no crashes.
> Actually in this light it might be cute to have an 'uptime' counter inside 
> asterisk (maybe a lastlog that can also show the reason of the last restart 
> - was it a stop gracefully or did it just crash?) *grin*

Hmm, maybe it wouldn't be much of a hack to get at the show uptime
information and dump it with each log as it is sent to the events.log
file so you can see if certain length runtimes cause crashes as well.
Especially with respect to the post I just read about the user who has
asterisk "going nuts every day".

I wouldn't be opposed to it being put in the CLI prompt too, or maybe
just made available and then we could do something like the PS1
formatting of the prompt.
Steven Critchfield  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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