Hi guys,

I'm new to the telco game and still pretty new to Asterisk, although I've been using it for a couple of months now and like most of what I see. At my office, we've got a small two extension setup w/ two Digium cards for a single FXO line and three FXS extensions, but I'm also working on designing a larger installation for a customer which will involve ~16 analog handsets that I'll be running through a Rhino Equipment channel bank to a Digium T1. My question is all about what type of phone service would be recommended for my local provider.

I purchased a CAC FXO channel bank to interface with a second Digium T1 card that I've got, and ran some small scale tests on that which seemed to go fine, and I'm sure this solution would be *sufficient* for the customer, but I know he would like to be able to do DID, which, from conversations w/ SBC in my area, I've discovered requires something other than POTS. We'll be looking to have roughly 10-12 phone lines for both inbound and outbound (as you'd have in the POTS world), or w/e the PRI, etc. equivalent would be.

So the real question is, from all of your experience, assuming my local telco can provide me w/ any possible solution, what would you all recommend I choose? Some sort of fractional T1 line w/ DID trunks for incoming and POTS for outbound calls (pardon my description of these solutions if they are inaccurate--again, I'm new to the game) or what else?

The other main point I should make is that both the customer and myself are interested in a solution where we could, in an emergency, or in the event my configuration of Asterisk is inadequate, switch back over to a situation where we could at least place and receive all calls using the analog handsets. (E.g., from what I know about this stuff, I suppose I could plug the Rhino FXS channel bank into an incoming T1 line which would then split all the lines into analog which my phones could then plug right into--of course, if I went w/ a straight POTS solution, we could obviously just plug 10-12 of the analog handsets into the lines and at least answer the phones (albeit in a haphazard manner)).

I apologize for the length of this question, but I figured some of the knowledgeable people on this list would've had some experience in these areas.


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