Hello -
I'm using ATA-186 devices, with RFC2833 DTMF encoding. I am having problems with routines that input long strings of numbers, in that I am getting more than a small number of double digit entries. As an example, I have a section that asks for the user to enter a call forwarding number, and then puts that number into a database. Almost always, there are double digits when the user only intended to type a single digit, no matter how carefully they entered their string.

Can anyone comment on how they may have solved this issue with Cisco devices? The units in question are running 2.16.


<snippet of code where I'm inputting the number - line has already been Answered>

exten => change,1,ResponseTimeout(5)
exten => change,2,Playback(special/edting-spd-dial-number)
exten => change,3,SayDigits(${SPEEDDIAL})
exten => change,4,Background(silence/1)
exten => change,5,Background(special/entr-nmbr-fr-spddial-entry)
exten => change,6,Background(special/and-prs-pound-whn-finished)
exten => change,7,Background(silence/3)
exten => change,8,Goto(5)

; strip off any extra pound or * symbols, and then set the variable
exten => _X.,1,GotoIf($[$[${EXTEN:-1:1} = #] | $[${EXTEN:-1:1} = *]]?2:4)
exten => _X.,2,StripLSD(1)
exten => _X.,3,Goto(1)
exten => _X.,5,Goto(class4.5,verify,1)

exten => t,1,Goto(change,5)

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