Anton L. Kapela wrote:

Jeremy McNamara said:

Do you really want all those spans going down cause someone tripped
a power cable or your hard drive nukes itself?

How's this worse than an as5300? I could install ata-flash and get high-ish end pc hardware (rcc serverworks boards, etc). Heck, if it was such an evil thing, I'm sure Voicepulse (along with every other clec) and friends wouldn't be doing it!


I think what Jeremy is saying is that by having multiple servers you inherintly have higher fault tolerence and a lower chance of system failure.. You could suffer a single server failure and your system would still run and service you users.. You will not be in a panic to get that new part in 30 seconds because the rest of the servers will be able to take over the load for the failed one..

Thats all..

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